Ohio (Campbell Hill) and Indiana (Hoosier Hill) G2 is off again for another weekend adventure on March 14, 2021. Dana, Kira, Andrea, Nickole and I went on a ski trip to Crested Butte, CO in January and made friends with “Uncle Jeff”. Long story better told over drinks. Uncle Jeff lived in Columbus, Ohio and told us he would host us when we decided to the Ohio peak, so we took him up on it and he showed us a great time in Columbus! We flew in around lunchtime and hit the Indiana “peak”, which was honestly a little teeny hill on private property. It was in a pretty poor area of Indiana, but it was cute that the boyscout project was to build a picnic table on the high point for everyone to enjoy! We snapped our photos then jetted off to the hotel in Columbus for a night on the town. We all showered and got gussied up to meet Jeff Goode (not great) at this boutique in town that had opened for us with drinks and food to shop and meet some folks in town. We had the best time! Such cute store and fascinating people. We went to dinner then ended up at a bar that was in our hotel. Christian from my MBA class met up with us and we all ended up having a late night.
Needless to say we felt pretty miserable the next day, but dragged ourselves out of bed and hit the Ohio peak, which was also not much of a peak. It was on a school property that we drove up to, snapped a few photos and hit the road for the Grandma Gatewood trail in Ohio. Grandma Gatewood was by every sense of the word – amazing. She was the mother of 11 children and the wife of a very abusive husband. She started hiking the trail where we were that day to get away from her husband and train for her adventure ahead. The trail was absolutely stunning. Waterfalls everywhere you turned, caves, rivers. It was really unreal and something I wouldn’t have expected for Ohio. Grandma Gatewood hiked the Appalachian Trail in 1958 at 58 years old and she did it by herself, not telling anyone (including her kids) where she was. Truly inspiring. We hiked the trail then headed back for another evening planned by Uncle Jeff. He belonged to a private club, so we showered and met him and his friends there for dinner and drinks followed by more drinks and an earlier bedtime than we had the night before 😊. Sunday came quickly and we all had brunch together then caught our flights back home checking 2 more peaks off the list and filing away more good memories.